Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Strongest Digimon

Hello everyone, i want to tell you 5 strongest digimon..

5. Susanoomon..

Susanoomon b
This Digimon is the one who comes on an era of chaos and destroys everything for it to be recreated. But, it is shown he is not the strongest as he was nearly defeated by Lucemon Shadowlord Mode. fusion of EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon with spirit of the legendary warriors. Susanoomon type is God Man, strongest attack : ZERO ARMS : Orochi it will erase the existing system, and create a new one. It wields the "ZERO ARMS : Orochi", which emanates a gigantic sword of light.

4. Fanglongmon
Fanglongmon b
The "God"of the Digital World, Fanglongmon is the Holy Beast who remains on the center and is often considered to be the most powerful, mainly because of his "Taikuoji" attack. But he was sealed in the Dark Area by Lucemon , so he is not the most powerful. It is the Sovereign that is enshrined in the Center, as an emperor Digimon who rules the "world". Due to Lucemon, it was sealed underground in the deepest, darkest place. This being is good but also evil, and is called the "Taiji" of light and darkness. Its gigantic body is covered in scales of the special "Huanglong Ore" that boasts of absolute hardness, so inflicting even a single wound upon it is impossible. type God Beast, strongest attack: Taikyoku : Continuously disassembles everything in the Digital World, throughout eternity, into the two extremes of light and darkness, driving it into non-existence before long. 

3. ZeedMilleniummon
ZeedMillenniummon b
Evil God Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Zedmilleniummon". It flies freely between space and time, and is an evil king that is still trying to destroy all eras and worlds. Although a Digimon will become a Digieggif defeated in battle, there are very rare occasions when it has instead been reborn from within the corpse of its data. According to one theory, when Milleniummon died in a furious battle, the dark soul it possessed was reborn as ZeedMillenniummon. Also, as for the bands which wrap around ZeedMillenniummon, it is said that they are like chains which suppress its abilities, but it is unknown who could cast such a spell on ZeedMillenniummon. However, it is foretold that if it is released from this spell, it will rain unfathomable destruction upon the Digital World. type Evil God, strongest attack: Time Destroyer: Consigns hostile opponents to the gulf beyond space and time. So far, no one who has been brushed off by this technique has returned from between space and time.

2. Omegamon x
Omnimon X b
Omegamon x is a Holy Knight Digimon and carrier of the X-antibody, fusion of metalgarurumon and wargreymon, type holy knight, strongest attack : ALL DELETE, it is a powerful attack, "DELETE" all the digital world with the grey sword and recovering the digital world.

1. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
Imperialdramon Paladin Mode b
He defeated Armaggedemon (a being who was distorting both the Real and Digital Worlds), in one hit. Said to be as more powerful as ZeedMillenniummon, Imperialdramon paladin mode is an Ancient Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Imperialdramon paladin Mode". It is a form of Imperialdramon Fighter mode that acquired the power of the holy knight Omnimon, powering up and changing form into a legendary holy knight. As the final, strongest form of Imperialdramon Dragon mode that was told of since ancient times, it descended in a time of great disruption in the ancient Digital World, and rescued the world from complete collapse. However, all of the details of that era are a mystery, and if research into Digimon and the Digital World progresses, it is likely that they will eventually be clarified. It wields the ultimate "Omni Sword" (Omega Blade). Imperialdramon Paladin mode is the founder of royal knight, tpye ancient dragon man, ancient holy kngiht. Strongest attack: Omega Blade, Cuts the opponent in two with a single stroke of its Omni Sword, resetting and clearing their configuration was the most powerful attack, because it's "RESETTING" and  "CLEARING CONFIGURATION DATA", so if you want to delete the data, when you want to delete the data, and then you click the reset button, then the data will not be deleted. who fast will win.